Brazil, 2019

All Rembrandt in high resolution

lots of Rembrandt works in high resolution on Rijksmuseum.

Guardian: best Photos of 2018

Mustafa Hassona

Stefanie Glinski

Pablo Blázquez Domínguez

Stefanie Glinski

An incredible selection of the best photos of 2018 by Poppy Noor.

Sumeet Kadakia - Photography

Source: Instagram

Thomas Holm (Source:

Lubbock- Street Photography

Lubbock - Street Photography (Source:

See more books on photography

Mexico, Colombia and Brazil among countries with highest rates of impunity for journalist murders

All informations on Comitee to protect journalists.

Earth seen from Moon and Space

A very nice National Geographic's reportage on the view of Earth from Apollo 8 mission and other captures.

Lynsey Addario

 She is one of the few photographers to have worked in both pre and post-9/11 Afghanistan, documenting life under Taliban rule followed by the American invasion. She has been kidnapped twice – first in Iraq and again in Libya – where she was photographing clashes between Gadhafi troops and rebel forces. She captured the human cost of the war in Darfur, helping to expose the atrocities taking place. The list goes on.
Stunning profile of Addario on BJP.

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"Le poète ne retient pas ce qu’il découvre ; l’ayant transcrit, le perd bientôt. En cela réside sa nouveauté, son infini et son péril"

René Char, La Bibliothèque est en feu (1956)

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