Philip Jones Griffiths - photojournalist

The first picture of his I ever saw was during a lecture at the Rhyl camera club. I was 16 and the speaker was Emrys Jones. He projected the picture upside down. Deliberately, to disregard the subject matter to reveal the composition. It's a lesson I've never forgotten. [about Henri Cartier-Bresson]


A imagem “” contém erros e não pode ser exibida.

A imagem “” contém erros e não pode ser exibida.

A imagem “” contém erros e não pode ser exibida.

A imagem “” contém erros e não pode ser exibida.

A imagem “” contém erros e não pode ser exibida.

Expositions on Telegraph, BBC, Digital Journalist. Interviews on GNN, DG, Photohistories.

Alas, nomenclature is sadly lacking in the field of ‘art’. Am I a news photographer? A press photographer? A photojournalist? An artist? I deplore the latter moniker because the word is so misused. For me, art is the melding of form and content, and as that is what I strive to do then perhaps ‘artist’ is correct. But I’m happy to be called a photojournalist!

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"Le poète ne retient pas ce qu’il découvre ; l’ayant transcrit, le perd bientôt. En cela réside sa nouveauté, son infini et son péril"

René Char, La Bibliothèque est en feu (1956)

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