Kevin Kelly - Photography and Pilgrimage

Pilgrim, Gangotori (India) - The sources of the Ganges river are popular pilgrmage destinations. This lowland pilgrim is on his way to Gangotori, one of the sources, on a hike of several days into snow. His head is well wrapped, but the rest of his clothes are skimpy. Everything else he has in his in bag.
Kevin Kelly is a writer, and one of the founders of Wired Magazine. On his site, many subjects, like photos, films, documentary, writings, and others.

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"Le poète ne retient pas ce qu’il découvre ; l’ayant transcrit, le perd bientôt. En cela réside sa nouveauté, son infini et son péril"

René Char, La Bibliothèque est en feu (1956)

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